PLN News: January 2016

About the Private Landowner Network

WLA Releases Stewardship with Vision - Ep. 3: Betty Shahan

Through a lifetime on the land in southern Colorado, Betty Shahan has served as a leader in integrating conservation and ranching. The Chama Peak Land Alliance, of which Betty is a founding member, is a landowner-led organization working collaboratively to improve the health and productivity of a vitally important watershed region.

The Making of Maple Syrup: Part I

Sixth generation sugar maker Kevin Bacon showed Resources First Foundation's Melissa O'Neal and Amos P Eno how to tap a maple tree during their visit to his families maple sugar farm earlier this month. Read the blog about their trip here.

Resurrection of the American Wool Industry

There's a reason great wool comes from the Rockies: Cold winters, hot summers, lots of sunshine, and the right vegetation.
Wool is having a bit of a moment right now, and American companies are making new efforts to bring it back home.

Read the article here.

North Carolina Landowners Express Support for Recovery of Endangered Red Wolves

More than 80 private landowners in North Carolina’s five-county red wolf recovery area signed a petition, sent today to U.S Fish and Wildlife Service director Dan Ashe, expressing their support for keeping endangered red wolves on their land.

Read the press release here.

Watershed Restoration Initiative Launches New Geo-database Website

The Watershed Restoration Initiative, a partnership based program in Utah to improve high priority watersheds throughout the state, just launched a new website, geo-database and project proposal site.

Visit the new website here.
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Photo: Trey Ratcliff

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Prather Ranch Wins GEELA for Ecosystem and Land Use Stewardship
In addition to receiving the 2015 California Leopold Conservation Award, Jim and Mary Rickert of Prather Ranch were honored this month with the state's highest environmental honor, the Governor's Environmental and Economic Leadership Award (GEELA) in the Ecosystem and Land Use Stewardship Category.

Read the press release here, or learn more about all of the 2015 GEELA winners.
VOF Kicks Off 50th Anniversary with "50 Years, 50 Stories"
As part of its 50th anniversary celebration in 2016, the Virginia Outdoors Foundation will be featuring a different conservation success story from its past every week on its website here.

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Falmouth, ME 04105

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