Conservation Easement Paragraph Databank


The CE Paragraph Databank is a work in progress assembled by the Stanford Conservation and Climate Change Drafting Committee and a number of CE professionals assisting in the work. It provides suggested laguage for the drafting of conservation easements. Additional paragraphs will be added as they become available, and existing paragraphs will be edited or commentary added when reasons to do so become apparent.


The Databank assumes its users are knowledgeable and thoughtful conservation easement professionals or volunteers. It is not a teaching text. Instead, it offers source material and ideas, sometimes conflicting and inconsistent ideas, that may be appropriate to adapt into particular conservation easements in certain circumstances. The Databank is also not legal advice; various paragraphs conflict and many would be inappropriate to specific circumstances or under the law of particular States.

Ann Taylor Schwing is generously donating her time to manage the Conservation Easement Paragraph Databank. Please continue to send corrections, additions and suggestions to her.

The views and opinions expressed in this reposted content do not necessarily reflect those of LandCAN. This material is shared for informational purposes only and does not constitute an endorsement of the practices or viewpoints presented.