Social Media for More Online Outreach

By: Amos S. Eno
Posted on:02/16/2012 Updated:03/27/2012

FB, "friend," Tw, and "tweets" join RFF, PLN, and CCC

I’m guessing that many of the readers of “Keep Working Lands Working” are not terribly active in social media.  You may have friends on Facebook you like to keep track of - you may even send out a “tweet” from time to time.  But I’m betting many of you are as “socially awkward” online as Resources First Foundation has been.  We're trying to change that.

We hired a young man who wrote a college thesis paper on how teenagers use Facebook (not surprisingly, the boys wanted to flirt, the girls wanted to chat with their friends).  Even better, he was a veteran texter and social networker, compared to so many in my age group, having been online since he was seven and texting for at least the past 6 or 7 years.  

Follow Us on Twitter

So, we are thinking about how to create our presence on Facebook.  But right now we do have an RFF Twitter stream that announces all of our blogs and big news.  Check it out:  

RFF twitter

Though social networking is supposedly the new platform for marketing, we need to be careful that there is a real return on any investment we make into that medium.  We have two ultimate goals:
(1) expand our readership a little more toward the 20-something age group, and most of all, 

(2) engage our users.  We really are interested in what you think, what you need, what helps and what doesn’t.  

To that end, don’t be surprised if you begin to see more questions from us - and possibly even more provocative headlines and statements.  So, please take a moment respond to the blog with a comment, “follow” us in Twitter or even "retweet."  

Most of all, when we post information about our occasional online surveys, we promise to be as responsive as possible to your suggestions.

GFN               SYS

Okay, okay, it means gone for now and see you soon!