Land Enhancement for Wildlife with Hunting Product Discounts
By: Amos S. Eno
Posted on:07/20/2011Rans Thomas has a new consulting business, Thomas Resources Wildlife and Land Enhancement, which can provide products and equipment at below retail prices.
This post is a continuation of my recent discussions with Rans Thomas of Tecomate fame, concerning his new consulting business, Thomas Resources Wildlife and Land Enhancement.
Rans’ experience in managing the staff and logistics of plantations day-to-day has clearly grounded him in the financial and human realities of land management. “It is what I call the Human Factor in managing land and wildlife, and it’s definitely the most important in my book.

Big or Little, Cost-Effectiveness is Key
“You can get a fine management plan, but when it comes with a half-million-dollar price tag, suddenly the plan’s not so great anymore! You have to understand the client’s resources, what they can spend, where they can increase revenue, and how to work cost-effectively.
“I have developed sales relationships with manufacturers of food plot and hunting products or wholesalers like DBW Outdoors. I’ve worked out below-retail rates with them for my clients. I have even developed my own food plot protection system called the Plot D-Fence System. That’s why ‘Resources’ is in my business name.
“I’m also comfortable working with both landowners and managers. On smaller private properties common in the Midwest or northeast, where 500 to 1000 acres will support a good deer population, I often meet directly with the owners.

“I also work as a consultant on properties that have full-time land managers. Because I’ve been in their shoes, I understand the dynamics and politics affecting a manager who may be asking himself, ‘Who is this hotdog?’ when we first meet. But because of our common experience, I immediately bond with the manager. Honestly,” Rans jokes, “I sometimes feel I could start a sideline service as guidance counselor to property managers! In reality, I’ve hired and trained many of them, which I find very rewarding.”
How are Things Working Out?
How are things working out for Rans? Well, he recently visited Jim Kelly, hall-of-fame quarterback for the Buffalo Bills, at his hunting property in NY. Also on his schedule are visits with the CEO of Gaylord Entertainment in Mississippi where country music celebrities and Johnny Morris, former owner of Bass Pro, often hunt. A 60,0
00-acre ranch in Oklahoma is also on his list of clients. “I’m looking forward to a visit to Freedom Farms in Tennessee, owned by my client and good friend Gary LeVox, lead singer for Rascal Flatts,” Rans says, pausing. “I count my blessings that it seems to be working out.”
I’ll say.
Return on Friday to hear what Rans has to say about finding and selling recreational real estate!