McKinley & Lanier Forest Resources, Inc., has been providing private and industrial landowners with valuable land and timber management solutions for over 40 years.
Organized in 1975 as an external forestry consulting operation by Gulf States Paper Corporation, it was first named Timber Managers Company. Monty McKinley & Bruce Lanier purchased the company from Gulf States in March, 2002. Monty McKinley was “Director” of Timber Managers Company prior to the purchase, and Bruce Lanier was involved with “all” aspects of timber management prior to the purchase.
McKinley & Lanier Forest Resources, Inc., is dedicated to high quality land and timber management services for landowners. Because we understand the forest industry and have cutting edge resources, we have developed a total land management approach that focuses on delivering custom services to meet the clients specific needs.
McKinley & Lanier Forest Resources Inc., is made up of a team of registered foresters, with 40 years of on-the-ground practical land management experience. Moreover, extensive resources including Real Estate Brokers, certified real estate appraisers, financial analysts, and GIS mapping experts support us with professional and accurate information.
Timber Marketing Services include: appraisal, preparation of sales prospectus, sales contract and inspection of harvesting operation.
Forest management services include: improving and maintaining present timber stands through scientific methods such as prescribed burning, thinning, insect and disease control, and reforestation; maintenance of boundary lines; land and timber appraisals; estate division; harvest scheduling; timber inventories; and growth and yield projections.
- B.S.F.R. in Timber Management, 1984 – University of Georgia
- Registered Forester in: Alabama, Mississippi (R), Georgia
- Alabama Prescribed Burn Manager
- Alabama Licensed Real Estate Salesperson
- Association of Consulting Foresters
Contact Bruce Lanier
REMINDER: This listing is a free service of LandCAN.
Bruce Lanier is not employed by or affiliated with the Land Conservation Assistance Network, and the Network does not certify or guarantee their services. The reader must perform their own due diligence and use their own judgment in the selection of any professional.