We are a state run facility that is part of the Department of Land and Natural Resources, Division of Forestry and Wildlife. The State Tree Nursery exists to provide high quality native, endangered and windbreak trees and plants for both the public and DLNR-state sponsored out-plantings and reforestation projects.
We propagate many different species of native plants, some endangered species, and numerous trees for windbreak purposes, most windbreak trees are non-native and are sold in dibble tubes or small pots when the trees are approximately 1.5′ – 2.5′ tall. Natives and endangered plants are sold in various container sizes
REMINDER: This listing is a free service of LandCAN.
DOFAW STATE TREE NURSERY is not employed by or affiliated with the Land Conservation Assistance Network, and the Network does not certify or guarantee their services. The reader must perform their own due diligence and use their own judgment in the selection of any professional.