Forest Investment Associates (FIA), formed in 1986, is a Registered Investment Adviser providing investment management services for timberland investors. Operating out of our Atlanta, Georgia, U.S. headquarters and multiple U.S. field offices, we acquire and manage timberland portfolios for corporate pension plans, state and municipal retirement systems, endowments, foundations and family offices.
We offer customized separate account and commingled fund investments. Separately managed accounts provide larger investors with maximum flexibility in meeting specific portfolio objectives and the ability to retain a high level of control over the investment, while commingled funds have lower up-front capital requirements for smaller investors and are also suitable for all investors limited to fund investments only. Under both structures, client portfolios are typically diversified by geography, timber age and species, providing optimum long-term returns and stable cash flow while minimizing portfolio risks.
Investment value is added through disciplined acquisitions, intensive forest management and opportunistic dispositions. Timberland management is performed by our own team of seasoned foresters, utilizing a long-term, hands-on approach to maximize investment return from biological growth and cash flow. In addition to delivering competitive returns, we are known for superior client service, which is a mission shared by all employees.
Employees are the majority owners and managers of FIA. Our staff includes professionals with substantial experience in forestry, investment management and research, accounting, finance and banking. We seek to achieve a positive and manageable rate of growth, which ensures high-quality service for our clients.
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Forest Investment Associates is not employed by or affiliated with the Land Conservation Assistance Network, and the Network does not certify or guarantee their services. The reader must perform their own due diligence and use their own judgment in the selection of any professional.