The objective of the Parker Valley NRCD is to promote conservation and education of our natural re- sources. The major land use in the valley is irrigated cropland, with alfalfa and cotton the dominate crops. The top resource concern is water (Quality and Quantity). Other resource concerns are wildlife habitat, recreation and conservation education.
The Colorado River Indian Tribes' annual water entitlement is 717,148 acre feet or the amount of water needed to irrigate 107,588 acres. Their goal is to utilize all of their water entitlement in an efficient man- ner. Water measurement and irrigation system design are components in keeping the land productive and controlling the buildup of salts.
The District the established the Conservation Education Center land lab in 1999. This land will provide a comprehensive environmental learning experience to students, growers and the community. Hands on experience will be gained and opportunities provided for additional students who are unable to house their animals on their own property. Future Farmers of America and 4H participants in the Land Lab, will experience first hand, all the responsibilities with animal ownership and production agriculture. The Land Lab will integrate education with the local agriculture industry using practical applications and mod- ern technology. This experience will provide opportunities for preparation in applied natural resource management and associated careers.
Contact Parker Valley NRCD
REMINDER: This listing is a free service of LandCAN.
Parker Valley NRCD is not employed by or affiliated with the Land Conservation Assistance Network, and the Network does not certify or guarantee their services. The reader must perform their own due diligence and use their own judgment in the selection of any professional.