Courthouse- Red River County
MISSION: The mission of Texas Cooperative Extension is to provide quality, relevant outreach and continuing education programs and services the residents of Red River County.
SCOPE: Texas Cooperative Extension is a member of the Texas A&M University System. Statewide, Extension employs 950 professional educators located at Texas A&M, 12 district and 250 county offices. Extension operates in a unique partnership with federal, state, and county government to address the needs of people in every community and provides education in food and fiber systems, environment and natural resources, family and consumer sciences, 4-H and youth development, and community and economic development.
PRIORITIES: Extension education focuses on the needs and concerns identified with the input of local residents through the Texas Community Futures Forum, held in 1999. * Economic Viability and Growth * Health Care * Developing Youth, Strengthening Families * Accessible, Quality Education for All
HISTORY: As created by the Republic of Texas in 1836, the original county, which extended east and west along the south bank of the Red River approximately three hundred and fifty miles and from north and south fifty to one hundred miles, contained all or parts of the thirty-nine present counties. The creation of the other counties between 1836 and 1847, reduced the area of Red River County to its present size. Red River County remains the largest county in land area in Northeast Texas encompassing 1,050 square miles. The county has the lowest population density per square mile in the region at fourteen.