The Habitat Institute

The Habitat Institute (THI) is a non-profit scientific and educational organization that promotes and facilitates the conservation of native species and habitats through the development and dissemination of data-rich and verifiable information, maps, and tools; and restoration and enhancement of native habitats.

Specific objectives of the institute include developing products and tools that assist landowners and land managers conserve native species and habitats, developing and implementing inventorying and monitoring programs, and coordinating and facilitating activities (e.g., habitat restoration,land-use planning and management objectives) that promote the conservation and management of our natural resources.

Examples of work THI has conducted include:

  • Developing and coordinating projects that increase the state of our knowledge about: The interactions and associations between our wildlife species and habitats, and the effects of land-use and management practices on our native species and habitats;
  • Identifying and mapping land-use, land-cover, vegetation, and wildlife habitats of the Pacific Northwest as well as the distributions of Pacific Northwest wildlife species; and
  • Developing and maintaining an interactive web site that will provide information to the public and natural resource managers about wildlife habitats and wildlife species' functions, distributions, and life-history characteristics.

Contact The Habitat Institute

REMINDER: This listing is a free service of LandCAN.
The Habitat Institute is not employed by or affiliated with the Land Conservation Assistance Network, and the Network does not certify or guarantee their services. The reader must perform their own due diligence and use their own judgment in the selection of any professional.

Contact The Habitat Institute

P.O. Box 855
Corvallis, Oregon  97339
Phone: (541) 753-2199
Fax: (541)753-2440


Service Area

Statewide service provider in:
  • Idaho
  • Montana
  • Oregon
  • Washington

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