The end of 2019 is near! There are a few more hours to make a tax-deductible gift.

We're excited about what 2020 will bring to the Land Conservation Assistance Network (LandCAN). We're planning to add new state websites with more resources for private landowners and others who are interested in land conservation.

Early in the new year, we will be announcing the launch of our newest state site--the Virginia Land Conservation Assistance Network (Virginia LandCAN). You can visit the website to find all you need to know about conservation in this beautiful land. Stay tuned!
Visit Virginia LandCAN!
We are also planning to expand the Habitat Conservation Assistance Network (HabitatCAN) to include resources for the monarch butterfly. Stay tuned as we research the hundreds of resources that will be available to private landowners!
We're excited about the opportunities and projects ahead in 2020. Will you help LandCAN ensure that its conservation resources are available to farmers, foresters, ranchers, and others who want to protect the habitat of the wildlife around them?
Make your year-end gift today! Every gift--no matter the size--helps the private landowners who are the stewards of the land we all enjoy.
Thank you!
Yes! I Want to Make a Difference!
Email Us

Our mailing address is:
Land Conservation Assistance Network
74Lunt Road Suite300
Falmouth, Maine 04105