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Tom Daniels and Mark Lapping ABSTRACT The preservation of land for working rural landscapes, wildlife habitat, urban parks, recreational trails, and protecting water supplies and floodplains is emerging as an integral component of smart growth programs.
Michael J. Adamsl, David A. W. Miller, Erin Muths, Paul Stephen Corn, Evan H. Campbell Grant, Larissa L. Bailey, Gary M. Fellers, Robert N. Fisher, Walter J. Sadinski, Hardin Waddle, and Susan C. Walls Though a third of amphibian species worldwide are thought to be imperiled, existing assessments simply categorize extinction risk, providing little information on the rate of population losses.
Summarizes opportunities in Arkansas for tax incentives, loans, grants, land retirement and easements, and cost-share programs for conservation management - from state, federal, and nonprofit sources.
Northern Forest Center, Manomet Center for Conservation Sciences Payments for forest carbon sequestration are an emerging opportunity for small forest owners to earn additional income, and in turn to sustain both the economic and ecological values of the Northern Forest.
T.J. McEvoy Almost everyone in forestry has heard of land trusts since they have become a common fixture especially in areas that are rapidly urbanizing.
The Xerces Society for Invertebrate Conservation Brochure defines Neonicotinoids and summarizes detrimental effects on bees.
L.W.Burger Jr., and K.O. Evans, Mississippi State University (eds)
Amos Eno and
Laura Mass Dover and
Willard Dyche “In wildness is the preservation of the world.” Quoted from an essay by Thoreau lamenting the way in which modern urban life has made natural resources into commodities and isolated people from the natural processes on which their lives depended.
Nadejda Mishkovsky, Matthew Dalbey, Stephanie Bertaina, Anna Read, and Tad McGalliard Many rural communities are facing challenges, including rapid growth at metropolitan edges, declining rural populations, and loss of working lands.
Gina L. LaRocco and Robert L. Deal This report provides an overview of existing payment programs and markets, and discusses the concepts of bundling and stacking, offer policy recommendations, and provides examples of current efforts to more effectively integrate payment opportunities for landowners.
A simple example illustrates how a conservation easement works in practice. Let’s assume pressure from buyers building vacation homes has pushed the value of land up in recent years to the point where the family is concerned about how the next generation will pay the estate tax bill without selling the land.
Karin Marchetti Ponte How to can a land trust official identify and comply with legal restraints to amendment? How can necessary flexibility be built into the easement document? Can a conservation easement be terminated? This paper reflects the earnest desire of an ardent conservationist to take full advantage of opportunities for flexibility that can be found within the law, recognizing that the needs of land ownership and the land itself, are by their nature subject to continual change.
Justin Pepper This report lays out some of the issues associated with the decision to graze domestic livestock on conservation lands, and highlights grazing as a conservation tool.
Jesse J. Richardson and L. Leon Geyer Under many circumstances, the donation of a conservation easement or sale of such easement for less than fair market value may give income tax, estate tax, and real property tax benefits to the donor or seller.
US Fish and Wildlife Service For many years the Service has worked with partners to help them develop Candidate Conservation Agreements (CCAs). CCAs primarily have been developed by Federal agencies to cover Federal lands, and several have resulted in conservation efforts that made listing unnecessary.
Private landowners have stepped up to the plate and enrolled an unprecedented amount of acres in conservation programs to conserve and restore Lesser Prairie Chicken habitat.
Thomas Daniels The preservation of land for working rural landscapes, wildlife habitat, urban parks, recreational trails, and protecting water supplies and floodplains is emerging as an integral component of smart growth programs.
American Farmland Trust Conservation Compliance: A 25-Year Legacy of Stewardship explains how conservation compliance, which has historically required farmers to implement conservation measures in return for federally funded farm support, helped save millions of wetland acres while keeping billions of tons of soil on farms.
Michele Haynes CONSERVATION EASEMENTS CAN PROTECT thousands of acres of valuable and vulnerable lands from development. However, why stop there? ...
USDA NRCS Conservation programs impact local economies with changes in production, recreation, jobs, taxes, and spending. This analysis was conducted using Impact Analysis for Planning (IMPLAN) software to estimate these impacts on the state’s economy attributable to the funds spend by the conservation partners.