Conservation Blueprint

Conservation Blueprint is a company that specializes in the design, establishment and management of pollinator and wildlife habitat in situations that range from solar energy projects to private landowners and all things in-between.  In addition, they provide guidance on the future management of projects and provide free access to many Habitat Tips and Webinars that cover these topics at:

Conservation Blueprint creates custom seed mixes available for purchase, and can assist with project design or habitat consultations. As highlighted in this Conservation Blueprint profile, just because a plant is flowering doesn’t mean it can effectively support honey bees or monarch butterflies. Get in touch with us to build an effective pollinator habitat today!

Pete Berthelsen is a renowned wildlife conservationist. As the President of Conservation Blueprint, he offers a wide range of mixes and services to those wanting to plan, create, and maintain helpful wildlife and pollinator habitats.  Conservation Blueprint creates custom seed mixes available for purchase, and can assist with project design or habitat consultations. Whether you’re interested in a honey bee mix for in Iowa, a custom designed pollinator habitat plan in Michigan or anywhere else in the country, we can help you create a friendly plan to meet your objectives.  

Watch their video on the Habitat Conservation Assistance Network here ».

Contact Conservation Blueprint

REMINDER: This listing is a free service of LandCAN.
Conservation Blueprint is not employed by or affiliated with the Land Conservation Assistance Network, and the Network does not certify or guarantee their services. The reader must perform their own due diligence and use their own judgment in the selection of any professional.

Contact Conservation Blueprint

Peter Berthelsen
1070 18th Avenue
St. Paul, Nebraska  68873
Phone: 308-390-0848


Service Area

National service provider

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7 Introductory articles were found for Conservation Blueprint

Habitat Tip: Encouraging Wildflower Diversity by Controlling Grasses


Conservation Blueprint's Peter Berthelsen explains how to manage grasses within your pollinator habitat to encourage wildflower growth and habitat diversity, in this Habitat Tip.


Habitat Tip: Pollinator Habitat & Agriculture


Conservation Blueprint's Peter Berthelsen explains how agricultural land and pollinator habits impact each other, and can work together, in this Habitat Tip. To learn more about wildlife and pollinator habitats and send an inquiry about your own project, check out conservationblueprint


Habitat Tip: Pumpkins, Pollinators, and Great Habitat


Conservation Blueprint's Peter Berthelsen explains how pumpkins and pollinators interact, in this seasonal Habitat Tip.


How to Grow Your Own Milkweed


Milkweed is one of the best plants to have in your pollinator habitat — Conservation Blueprint's Pete Berthelsen shows you how to grow your own milkweed from seeds.


Monarch Butterfly Tagging


It's that time of the year again ... time to celebrate the year's last generation of monarch butterflies as they prepare to migrate to central Mexico.  This will be the generation that we tag and study to learn about migration success and patterns.

In this month's Habitat Tip, we show you how to net, tag, and track Monarch butterflies to better understand and manage their migration. Learn how to become a Citizen Scientist and support research to better understand monarch butterfly migration.


Putting the right plants into the right place


When designing your next pollinator habitat project, make sure that you are designing the seed mixture to include the combination of plants that meet your objectives.  Just because a plant species is known to grow in your area doesn't mean it will do well in your project design.

Before you start your next project, make sure two things happen:
1. Sit down and think about what your objectives are with the project BEFORE you start.

2.  Find a resource professional to design your seed mixture that understands the concept of 'Trying to Fit a Square Peg into a Round Hole'. 


The Miracle of Migration


In this Habitat Tip, we look at the miracle that is associated with the annual monarch butterfly migration. It happens all around us, but you may have never fully realized just how incredible an event it really is.