Land and Energy Conservation Toolbox LandCAN

LandCAN Toolbox

2012 Water Quality Consumer Confidence Reports - Louisiana

EPA regulations require that all community water systems prepare and provide to their customers annual consumer confidence reports ("CCRs") on the quality of the water delivered by the systems.  Although it is the responsibility and duty of individual water systems to prepare and disseminate CCRs, DHH prepares and posts on this website draft versions of CCRs reflecting DHH's understanding of what contents should be contained therein pursuant to 40 C.F.R. 141.153 et seq..  The draft CCRs posted on this website are prepared by DHH only as a starting point and accommodation to the water systems in the state.  Individual water systems may dispute, amend, or delete provisions contained within the DHH-prepared drafts posted on this website.  Accordingly, consumers and water customers should contact individual water systems to view the actual disseminated versions of the CCRs.


2014 Farm Bill - Farm Program and Insurance Decision Aid

The Agricultural and Food Policy Center at Texas A&M University has released the preliminary version of its farm bill decision aid tool for farmers. The tool is now available online through the AFPC website, Farmers are reminded that this is a preliminary version of the tool, and has not been finalized to incorporate the final rules, which are yet to be released by USDA-FSA. However, this initial version will integrate with the AFPC’s final version of the decision aid that will be done in coordination with the USDA. This fluid integration will keep farmers from having to enter their data into the decision tool a second time once it is finalized.


2022 Solar Tax Credit Calculator


50 Fantastic Fire Science Resources

Every 23 seconds a fire erupts in the United States, according to the National Fire Protection Association, and, in 2011 alone, there were over 1.3 million fires that required fire department intervention. Not only are firefighters brave, they are also very busy!

Firefighters often begin their careers by volunteering at local firehouses, joining the junior firefighter league or undergoing training through municipal fire companies. They might also choose to pursue a program in fire science, a path that could end with an associate or bachelor’s degree. The following resources are meant to help aspiring firefighters understand what the job requires, plan for the education and training they will undergo and keep abreast of the field with the latest research, publications and blogs from firefighters who are in the line of duty every day.

50 Fantastic Fire Science Resources


ACP (Asian Citrus Psyllid)/HLB (Huanglongbing Disease) Distribution and Management


Aerulean Plant Identification Systems

AERULEAN's mission is to provide unique resources that help gardeners select and identify plants. Our patented system presents novel solutions to various problems associated with navigation of plants. Our software enables gardeners to browse through our library of 20,000+ images using either visual or verbal cues. You can select from over 200 attributes – including water, height, flower color, and site location – to narrow the search results to plants you wish to consider for your gardening needs.

The AERULEAN system makes it possible for those with an interest in plants to conduct an efficient search to either select plants for landscaping purposes or identify an unknown species. We created software that unifies plant selection and identification. It does so by building on a primary botanical discovery, made by our founder Susan C. Dunlap, that the growing tip or apex of each plant contains visually unique characteristics. Images of each plant, typically including the flower, leaf, apical view, and branch, display on individual plant pages. »



AgBizEnvironment gives you the ability to account for environmental impacts when analyzing business decisions.

AgBizEnvironment utilizes various components to measure and track environmental aspects of crop and livestock production. Aspects include pesticide, herbicide, fertilizer, and energy use, as well as tillage and land management practices. Combined with other AgBiz Logic tools, users can compare environmental, economic and financial tradeoffs.

An example of a component utilized by AgBizEnvironment is the Environmental Impact Quotient (EIQ) developed by Cornell University. The EIQ measures the effect of various pesticides and herbicides on consumers, workers, and ecosystems.

Learn more about EIQ and other AgBizEnvironment components when you sign up for AgBiz Logic.



AgFinance™ is a computer program designed to assist agricultural producers make long-run decisions on a whole farm and ranch basis. You can load scenario files from AgProfit™ and AgLease™ into AgFinance™ to analyze your farm’s financial ratios and performance measures, which include working liquidity, solvency, profitability, debt repayment capacity, and efficiency. You can change the number of units in each scenario and observe the financial effects of implementing technologies, adding value to your products, conservation practices, changing cropping systems or livestock enterprises, or leasing additional land.  Visit AgFinance™


The AgTools™ web site is currently unavailable. If you are requesting a AgProfit™, AgLease™, or AgFinance™ program, a license file, or need other assistance please contact Clark Seavert,

The new online program AgBiz Logic™ - BASIC will replace the AgTools™ suite of software programs. This exciting new program will be released about September 1, 2015. You can track the progress of the AgBiz Logic™ - BASIC program by following us on Facebook or Twitter.



AgLease™ is a computer program designed to assist growers and landowners establish equitable crop share and cash rent lease agreements. With AgLease™ you can easily comprehend and evaluate the potential risks associated with annual and long-term leases, reevaluate current leases, or changing cropping systems. AgLease™ estimatesmachinery, labor, and production input costs as well as fruit size, grade, and total yield for calculating returns for crops with multiple establishment and production years. The program allows you to inflate specific return and input cost items over time to analyze the net present value, internal rate of return, and financial feasibility for a crop share and cash rent lease.

AgLease™ is free to use and requires users to register with the AgTools website and obtain a license.


The AgTools™ web site is currently unavailable. If you are requesting a AgProfit™, AgLease™, or AgFinance™ program, a license file, or need other assistance please contact Clark Seavert,

The new online program AgBiz Logic™ - BASIC will replace the AgTools™ suite of software programs. This exciting new program will be released about September 1, 2015. You can track the progress of the AgBiz Logic™ - BASIC program by following us on Facebook or Twitter.

View the AgLease™ Presentation



AgPlan™ helps rural business owners develop a business plan. To use AgPlan you first need to register and setup a password to access your business plan.  Once you have registered, you can login to AgPlan using your email address and your password.
Everyone can use AgPlan—for FREE.

  • Develop your own business plan
  • Learn what you need to include in your plan with Tips & Resources
  • View Sample business plans for ideas
  • Share your plan—print, download and work with your own Reviewers

AgPlan™ is brought to you by the Center for Farm Financial Management. Regents of the University of Minnesota



AgProfit™ is a computer program designed to assist agricultural producers make long-run decisions when implementing technologies to a specific crop or analyzing cropping systems. AgProfit™ estimates machinery, labor, and production input costs as well as fruit size, grade, and total yield for calculating returns for crops with multiple establishment and production years. The program allows you to inflate specific return and input cost items over time to analyze the net present value, internal rate of return, and financial feasibility when implementing a particular technology, making minor changes to returns or input costs, or comparing cropping systems.

AgProfit™ is free to use and requires users to register with the AgTools website and obtain a license.

View the AgProfit™ presentation


The AgTools™ web site is currently unavailable. If you are requesting a AgProfit™, AgLease™, or AgFinance™ program, a license file, or need other assistance please contact Clark Seavert,

The new online program AgBiz Logic™ - BASIC will replace the AgTools™ suite of software programs. This exciting new program will be released about September 1, 2015. You can track the progress of the AgBiz Logic™ - BASIC program by following us on Facebook or Twitter.


Agricultural Marketing Resource Center (AgMRC)

The Agricultural Marketing Resource Center is an electronic, national resource for producers interested in value-added agriculture. The site works to provide unbiased, science-based marketing information for U.S. farmers and ranchers. There is information related to commodities and products, market and industry trends, business creation and operation, research results and value-added resources.

This site is an on-going project of the Iowa State University and partially funded by USDA Rural Development. Click here. 


Agrilyst Inc.

Agrilyst is a web-based software platform that helps indoor farms manage their crops and gain data-driven insights to make more profitable production decisions.

Run your farm optimally at all times. With Agrilyst, you can create quick and easy seeding plans from templates for each of your crops. Built for indoor operations, templates make it simple to schedule cut-and-come again varieties, partial harvests, vine harvests, and more. Seeding plans sync automatically with tasks so everyone in your facility knows what to do every day.

Contact Information


68 Jay St., Suite 201

Brooklyn, NY 11201


(646) 878-6840




AgroClimate is an innovative web-resource for decision-support and learning, providing interactive tools and climate information to improve crop management decisions and reduce production risks associated with climate variability, climate change, and extreme weather events. Users can monitor variables of interest such as growing degree days, chill hours, freeze risk, disease risks for selected crops, and current and projected drought conditions. Users can also learn about the impacts of climate cycles affecting the Southeastern United States, such as the El Niño Southern Oscillation (ENSO).

AgroClimate uses crop simulation models along with historic, current, and forecasted climate data to allow decision makers to compare changes in probable outcomes under different climate conditions.

Water and carbon footprint calculators on AgroClimate can provide system-specific estimates of how efficiently water and energy are being used. AgroClimate also includes educational resources, including videos and fact sheets, about management practices and technologies that can help improve efficiency of production and decrease the vulnerability of agricultural systems to climate variability and change.

AgroClimate is regularly used during training events for County Extension faculty and during workshops with agricultural producers. Its modular platform allows for an easy replication in other geographies and for content expansion.


Agronomy Journal

Agronomy is a science and a practice that looks at agriculture from an integrated, holistic perspective. In agronomy, it’s important to understand the properties of the soil and how the soil interacts with the growing crop; what nutrients (fertilizers) the crop needs and when and how to apply these nutrients; the ways that crops grow and develop; how climate and other environmental factors affect the crop at all stages; and how best to control weeds, insects, fungi, and other crop pests.If that weren't enough, another huge consideration in agronomy is how to grow crops effectively and profitably while conserving natural resources and protecting the environment.

Read current publications and  studies in the Agronomy Journal.  Click Here!

Annie's Project

Annie's Project offers a variety of extension classes across the country that educate farm women on risk management. The classes empower farm women to be better business partners through networks and by managing and organizing critical information. Click here to see courses offered in your state.


ANS Task Force Experts Directory

This database was designed to direct users to invasive species experts. It has been set up as a 2-tier system with the first tier accessible to the public. The public portion of the database will guide you to a state contact who acts as a filter for information and identifications. If they can’t answer your question, these state contacts have the ability to log in to the second tier experts.



Aquatic Weed Management Control Methods

A discussion of the main types of aquatic weeds, plus prevention; biological, chemical, and mechanical control; and integrated weed management. A list of all Southern Regional Aquaculture Center factsheets (more than 150) are available at


Arborist Search