LandCAN Toolbox

Idaho’s Noxious Weeds

Idaho’s noxious weeds include species that make significant modifications to the landscape. Purple loosestrife can change stream velocity, which increases siltation. Species such as spotted knapweed can accelerate soil erosion. Salt cedar deposits salt on the soil surface from below-ground alkaline water, which leads to the elimination of all salt-sensitive species. Areas within the Czech Republic are seeing reductions in native species because they have lost their pollinators to the nectar of Policeman’s helmet, another Idaho noxious weed. Bohemian knotweed is creating monocultures along many Idaho streams, where it lacks the bank stabilizing root system of our native riparian species.



iMapInvasives provides an on-line, GIS-based data management system to assist citizen scientists and natural resource managers working to protect natural resources from the threat of invasive species. Visit the iMapinvasives website 


Invaders of Texas

Invaders of Texas Program is an innovative campaign whereby volunteer "citizen scientists" are trained to detect the arrival and dispersal of invasive species in their own local areas. That information is delivered into a statewide mapping database and to those who can do something about it. The premise is simple. The more trained eyes watching for invasive species, the better our chances of lessening or avoiding damage to our native landscape. This website also contains information on local workshops, toolkits, and online seminars. Click here to become a citizen scientist.


Invasive Plant Atlas of New England (IPANE)

The Invasive Plant Atlas of New England's (IPANE) mission is to create a comprehensive web-accessible database of invasive and potentially invasive plants in New England that will be continually updated by a network of professionals and trained volunteers. The database will facilitate education and research that will lead to a greater understanding of invasive plant ecology and support informed conservation management. An important focus of the project is the early detection of, and rapid response to, new invasions.


Invasive Plant Atlas of the Mid-South (IPAMS) Invasive Plant Atlas of the Mid-South (IPAMS) is an integrated research and extension project to develop an invasive plant program for the Mid-South states of Alabama, Arkansas, Louisiana, Mississippi, and Tennessee. Research activities include conducting systematic regional vegetation surveys to assess the distribution of key invasive plants, developing models for predicting the occurrence of target species based on land use and cover, and evaluating the relative effectiveness of professional versus volunteer surveys.

(Geosystems Research Institute. 2013. The Invasive Plant Atlas of the MidSouth (, 05 May 2013). Geosystems Research Institute, Mississippi State University, MS State, MS 39762 USA.)


Invasive Plant Atlas of the United States


Invasive Species Interactive Maps for Louisiana

Invasive Species Interactive Maps for Louisiana show how invasive species have entered ("portals") and moved ("pathways") through Louisiana, and why the Bayou State is especially vulnerable to species invasions.  Created by the Tulane/Xavier Center for Bioenvironmental Research through a generous grant from The Coypu Foundation of Baton Rouge, Louisiana, in 2001.


Invasives Database - Texas


IPaC - Information for Planning and Consultation

IPaC is a project planning tool which streamlines the USFWS environmental review process. Integrate the environmental review process into your project design. Quickly and easily identify USFWS managed resources and suggested conservation measures for your project.

Explore species and habitat
See if any listed species, critical habitat, migratory birds or other natural resources may be impacted by your project. Using the map tool, explore other resources in your location, such as wetlands, wildlife refuges, GAP land cover, and other important biological resources.

Conduct a regulatory review
Log in and define a project to get an official species list and evaluate potential impacts on resources managed by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. Follow IPaC's Endangered Species Review process—a streamlined, step-by-step consultation process available in select areas for certain project types, agencies, and species.

Perform an impact analysis
For projects or species not covered by the step-by-step consultation process, get a list of potential impacts from your specified project activities to use when making effect determinations.Receive conservation measures recommended by U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service biologists to avoid, minimize, or mitigate effects to listed species.

Open the tool


IRC Section 179 Calculator

The Section 179 DeductionThe Internal Revenue Code section 179 tax deduction allows for small and medium sized business owners to deduct the cost of new equipment. Use Crest Captial's online calculator to learn more!


Kansas Monarch Conservation Plan

The Kansas Monarch Conservation Plan serves as a guiding document to support ongoing efforts or new conservation actions, recognizing it will take a multi-sector approach to reach the monarch conservation goals set herein. This plan focuses on goals, practices, and actions voluntarily conducted in Kansas.


Keep tabs on wildfire activity via this U.S. Geological Survey website, GeoMAC.

Point and Click to Track Wildfire Activity in the United States.  Wildfires continue to burn across much of the western United States, and 39,000 fires have scorched 5,899,245 acres this year as of August 7, 2017 according to the National Interagency Fire Center


Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center - Native Plant Database



The more we come to understand the role of pollinators, the more it becomes clear that our current mode of existence is incompatible with a healthy pollinator population. Ongoing environmental challenges to pollinator populations include the impacts of habitat loss on insect biodiversity and the omnipresent effects of climate change, which are partially responsible for colony collapse disorder in bee colonies. Acknowledging these developments has led some law and policy makers to focus on legislative strategies that promote population health. Despite this recognition, however, the pollinator crisis has often failed to receive sufficient media (or policy) attention.
To examine how policy can influence pollinator health, this paper first provides background information on pollinators and the environmental challenges they face before summarizing existing efforts to protect pollinators through federal, state, and local policies. It explores strategies to improve land-use tools and interventions that can promote pollinator populations, as well as options for additional policy innovations to support pollinator health.


LANDFIRE - multi-partner wildland fire, ecosystem, and wildland fuel mapping projectLANDFIRE is a program that provides over 20 national geo-spatial layers (e.g. vegetation, fuel, disturbance, etc.), databases, and ecological models that are available to the public for the US and insular areas.

You can view and download products which are updated every two years to reflect change on the landscape over time. These data provide information for regional and national landscape strategic planning for fire and natural resource management activities.


Landscape Conservation Cooperative (LCC) Conservation Framework

The Landscape Conservation Cooperative (LCC) Conservation Framework can be used by natural resource professionals and landowners to guide habitat management practices, conservation planning, and decision making for priority species and a variety of other wildlife that can provide economic, recreational, and aesthetic value to a single property or an entire region. Managing habitat for priority species like the endangered black-capped vireo can benefit other species, including popular game species, such as northern bobwhite, white-tailed deer, and wild turkey. Similarly, managing for game species, if done responsibly, can benefit endangered species. 



LandServer Supported Areas - Current Coverage and Coming soon.LandServer is a web-based tool that provides farmers and woodland owners with a quick and easy natural resource assessment, an evaluation of their property’s potential to receive payments for implementing conservation actions, and information on how to get started. Your report is only accessed with your secure User ID and password.

LandServer produces reports by analyzing a robust database of geographic, ecological, physical, and other data sets. LandServer is a program of Pinchot Institute for Conservation.


Lesser Prairie-Chicken Application - TPWD

lesser prairie-chickenThe Lesser Prairie-Chicken Application provides an interactive map for visualizing, collecting, and reporting data related to the lesser prairie-chicken. Viewing the distribution of this species on a map is available to all application users. Registered users, including TPWD biologists, landowners, and citizen scientists can add information to the application by entering observation data. Registration is open to all users and options for creating an account are available in the application.


Local Dirt

Buy, sell and find local food with Local Dirt. How it works, buyers can search and source local food in their area with the added convenience of online ordering. Sellers can easily find new buyers and sell their products online. Local Dirt will even automate your invoicing and track your inventory. Farmer markets, buying clubs and co-ops can automate ordering, inventory, price sheets and invoicing. Click Here!


Louisiana Active Water Level Network - USGS Groundwater Watch

The USGS Groundwater Watch pages present groundwater level data from wells and discharge data from springs currently in a regular measurement program.  Individual wells can be present in multiple networks. For instance, a well with real time instrumentation that is designed to monitor climate effects will be present in at least 3 networks: Real Time, Climate Response, and Active Water Levels. Springs are presented in their own network and incorporated into the Active Water Level network. Springs are not included in any other networks at this time. Click here for help page for this tool.