LandCAN Toolbox

State Fish and Wildlife Management Offices

Official Web page of the U S Fish and Wildlife ServiceThe US Fish and Wildlife Service works in partnership with many organizations and individuals. Fish and wildlife conservation requires coordinated efforts by the states and the territories, as well as private landowners, tribes, and other countries besides the Unites States. Use this link to find the state agencies that manage fish and wildlife resources.


Steps Fire Science Programs

Fire science is about much more than just fighting fires. It covers everything from what causes them to how they behave and are investigated. Fire science jobs require serious knowledge and skills, like those taught in accredited online fire science degree programs. Keep reading to learn all about online fire science degrees, including how they work and where to find top programs.



Sun or Moon Rise/Set Table for One Year

This page provides a way for you to obtain a table of the times of sunrise/sunset, moonrise/moonset, or the beginning and end of twilight, for any year between 1700 and 2100. You can obtain a table for any location worldwide. Important!  Please read the Notes section.

Surf Your Watershed- U.S. EPA


Sustainable Farm Lease

The Sustainable Farm Lease website is a project of the Sustainable Agricultural Land Tenure Initiative, through Drake University.  It is intended to assist landowners and farmers develop farm lease arrangements that are profitable and sustainable for the landowner, the farmer, the community, and the land.

Sustainable Forests Roundtable

The Sustainable Forests Roundtable is an open and inclusive process committed to the goal of sustainable forest management on public and private lands in the United States. Roundtable participants include public and private organizations and individuals committed to better decision-making through shared learning and increased understanding.

The purpose of the Roundtable is to serve as a forum to share information and perspectives that will enable better decision making in the United States regarding sustainable forests. The Roundtable serves to promote shared leadership and responsibility in contributing toward achievement of sustainable forests on public and private lands throughout the United States. This purpose is actualized through efforts to:

  • Provide a forum for dialogue about sustainable forest issues, including national and sub-nationalcriteria and indicator efforts;
  • Broaden and deepen public understanding and adoption of sustainable forest management practices;
  • Facilitate the coordinated assessment and reporting of the sustainability of the Nation’s forest resources;
  • Communicate and coordinate data and programs within the sustainable forest community;
  • Serve as a venue for connecting domestic and global forest issues; and
  • Demonstrate on-the-ground benefits of sustainable forest management through the efforts of local and regional champions.

The fundamental approach of the Roundtable in carrying out its purpose is based on the belief that better data will lead to better dialogue about the sustainability of the nation’s forest resources, which will in turn lead to more informed, better decisions by stakeholders.

Since its inception in 1998, the Roundtable's primary focus has been the domestic implementation of an internationally agreed upon set of criteria and indicators (C&I) contained in the Santiago Declaration of the Montreal Process for the purpose of developing a shared understanding of current forest conditions and a baseline against which to mark future progress toward sustainability and was instrumental in the development and release of the National Report on Sustainable Forests in 2003 and 2010. Roundtable efforts since completion of these reports have focused on stimulating stakeholder dialogue on the meaning of the reports, actively engaging local and regional champions in their implementation of C&I at sub-national scales, and preparing for the next national report in 2015.

The ownership and management characteristics of the nation’s forest resources present uniquely difficult challenges in adopting and reporting on sustainable forest management in the United States. Because there is no national program or policy for sustainable forests on all lands, the Roundtable fulfills a critical role by providing a venue for all stakeholders to share perspectives and develop implementation ideas in order to broaden and deepen the application of sustainable forest management on the ground.

The Roundtable is not a decision-making body, but rather an open forum comprised of voluntary participants to share information and perspectives about the sustainable management of the nation’s forests. The overall goal is to engage federal, state, private, and non-profit organization leadership in committing to collaborative capacity building that will improve the forest sector’s ability to promote sustainable forest management. This work includes making linkages to international sustainable forest issues and other roundtables, forums, and processes focused on other natural resources.


Texas Forest Information Portal

Through Texas Forest Info, Texas A&M Forest Service provides landowners, managers, government officials, local community groups, and the public state-of-the-art access to information about trees and forest lands across the state.

Here, you’ll find applications to help you view forest type distributions across the state, timber supply within an area of interest and the location of forest product manufacturing facilities.  


Texas Forest Sector Economic Impact Summary Tool

Texas Forest Service Texas Forest Sector Economic Impact Summary Tool is an interactive tool to summarize estimated economic impacts of the forest sector in East Texas. The tool allows users to show economic impacts of a selected set of counties. In addition to providing values for each of the selected counties, totals are given for the entire selection. To use the tool go to Texas Forest Sector Economic Impact.


Texas Longleaf Taskforce

The Texas Longleaf Taskforce was created in 2010 to promote the restoration of Longleaf pine on private and public forestlands in the state of Texas. The Taskforce started as a broad stakeholder group of private landowners, state and federal agencies, and industry members. It included non-profit organizations such as The Nature Conservancy, Texas Forestry Association, and the National Wild Turkey Federation.  Check it out here »


Texas Plant Protection Assn

For the past 24 years, the non-profit professional Texas Plant Protection Association (TPPA) has sponsored educational conferences for those involved in production agriculture. These conferences include the Annual Texas Plant Protection Conference and the TPPA Precision Ag Expo. These events have been successful due to the broad support of many leaders in Texas agriculture that represent academia, Extension, research, consulting, agribusiness, farmers and regulatory. Click Here.


TexasLawHelp is a website dedicated to providing free, reliable legal information to low-income Texans.  It is part of a broader effort within the national legal aid community to use technology, specifically the Internet, to enhance and expand the delivery of legal aid. In 2016, more than 1.5 million users accessed TexasLawHelp.

TexasLawHelp is a joint effort of legal aid, courts, and nonprofit organizations throughout Texas. It is completely free to use. You will never be charged for using any resources on this website. 


The Business Case for Green Building

The WorldGBC launched its new report, "The Business Case for Green Building" in March 2013. Miles Keeping introduces the report and its findings at Ecobuild in London.


The Climate Corporation

The Climate Corporation offers insurance and land consulting by means of a sophisticated computer modeling system. The Climate Corporation has developed protection against a variety of weather perils that can have an impact on crop yield, including precipitation, heat, drought, and freeze through a system that assesses risk and determines crop insurance premiums using historic, simulated and forecasted climate and weather data. Click here to learn more!

The Global Invasive Species Database (GISD)

The Global Invasive Species Database (GISD) aims to increase awareness about invasive alien species and to facilitate effective prevention and management activities. It is managed by the Invasive Species Specialist Group (ISSG) of the SSC- Species Survival Commission of the IUCN -International Union for Conservation of Nature. The GISD was developed as part of the global initiative on invasive species led by the Global Invasive Species Programme GISP and was/is supported through partnerships with the National Biological Information Infrastructure (NBII), Manaaki Whenua-Landcare Research and the University of Auckland.

The GISD focuses on invasive alien species that threaten native biodiversity and natural ecosystems and covers all taxonomic groups from micro-organisms to animals and plants in all ecosystems. Species information is either supplied by or reviewed by expert contributors from around the world.

As the database is continually being populated with species information, please check back on a regular basis for updates


The Greenhorns

The Greenhorns is a non-traditional grassroots non-profit organization made up of young farmers and a diversity of collaborators. Their mission is to recruit, promote and support the new generation of young farmers. This is done by producing avant-garde programming, video, audio, web content, publications, events, and art projects that increase the odds for success and enhance the profile and social lives of America’s young farmers. Click Here.


The Lesser Prairie Chicken Initiative

USDA is working with landowners in five states to protect an increasingly rare bird and its habitat.


The NRCS episode on the Lesser Prairie Chicken.

Learn how the Working Lands for Wildlife partnership provides landowners with voluntary incentive programs to help keep working lands in production while providing beneficial habitat for wildlife.


The Sagebrush Conservation Gateway

This website highlights 20 peer-reviewed articles published in 2024 in Rangeland Ecology & Management. Together, these articles and related resources, along with researcher interviews and several presentations from the 2024 Society for Range Management conference, delve into the science of how, where and why we are deploying the Sagebrush Conservation Design to conserve the sagebrush biome. Learn more about the SCD and the special issue of Rangeland Ecology & Management below.


The Southern Forest Futures Project

The Southern Forest Futures Project provides a science-based “futuring” analysis of the forests of the 13 States of the Southeastern United States. With findings organized in a set of scenarios and using a combination of computer models and science synthesis, the authors of the Southern Forest Futures Project examine a variety of possible futures that could shape forests and the many ecosystem services and values that forests provide. The science findings and modeling results could inform management and policy analysis of the South’s forests. In the chapters of this technical report, the authors provide detailed findings and results as well as sets of key findings and implications.


The UC Guide to Healthy Lawns - Identification key to weeds

A sedgeThis key includes the most common weeds found in California lawns. Other species may occur but are not of major importance in turf. Because flowering parts are often mowed and not seen in turf, this key was developed using vegetative characteristics. Identifying weed species is essential for choosing appropriate management practices.


  • Click on illustrations that resemble your weed.
  • Work through the key until you get to a summary page of your weed.
  • Link to Pest Notes from many summary pages to see specific management practices.


Begin key

Identification tips :

Already know your weed problem? Go directly to your species:

Weeds in key