LandCAN Toolbox

Wyoming Interagency Spatial Database & Online Management (WISDOM)

The Wyoming Interagency Spatial Database & Online Management (WISDOM) System is a user-friendly tool that will allow any interested individual to discover, consider, and assess Wyoming’s wildlife resources. WISDOM is an easily accessible web-based delivery system for providing a set of natural resource data layers. This non-regulatory, landscape-level information allows a user to visually explore the distribution of important Wyoming wildlife habitat, identify wildlife migration corridors, identify potential stressors to wildlife, and other relevant data.


Wyoming Interagency Spatial Database and Online Management System (WISDOM)

WISDOM is a user-friendly tool allowing any interested individual to discover, consider, and assess Wyoming’s wildlife resources and other natural resource data layers. This non-regulatory, landscape-level information allows a user to visually explore the distribution of important Wyoming wildlife habitat, identify wildlife migration corridors, potential stressors to wildlife, and other relevant data. WISDOM is intended to provide useful, landscape-level information during the early stages of project planning. WISDOM preserves private land ownerships confidentiality and sensitive records for certain species locations are generalized to the township level.


  • All species and habitats in Wyoming’s Strategic Wildlife Action Plan
  • Federally listed species
  • Big game crucial ranges and generalized migration routes
  • Sage grouse core areas
  • Many other natural resources and land management data sources

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